Please see below the Air Quality Procedures for YCIS Pudong.
For your information, when deciding on what level of response to take as a school, we take into account: the official air quality index reading for China, the unofficial US consulate air quality reading from Puxi and our own observations of the air quality. Please note that parents of children with respiratory problems can ask us at any time to keep their child inside or not allow them to participate in strenuous activities. We will monitor the air during the day and if the conditions improve, we will then allow the students to play outside.
YCIS School Office
Quality Response Plan:
Pudong will use 3 levels of Air Quality Readings and the following chart shows
the action that will be taken for each of the 3 levels of Air Pollution:
Air Quality Level
API Reading Range
School Response
Green Level
Less than 100
restrictions required
Orange Level
From 100 – 150
lessons / activities held indoors
Recess /
outdoor play go ahead as normal
· Students with
respiratory conditions are encouraged to stay in designated indoor areas
during breaks
· Outdoor events and
field trips may be postponed if the activities are considered to be strenuous
(decision made by relevant school leader)
Red Level
150 and above
· PE lessons /
activities held indoors
· Indoor recess and
lunch breaks (same procedures as wet days)
trips may be postponed, depending on the activity (decision made by relevant
school leader)
· Any planned outdoor
events are postponed
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