Yesterday a young teenager was hit as she jumped in front of a truck to grab a one-year-old girl who strayed into traffic. Are you ready for this - According to traffic police in Foshan City in southern Guangdong Province that teenager must assume some financial responsibility for her own injuries. The truck hit both girls however the teen is credited with saving the little girl's life.
The Guangzhou Daily newspaper quoted police as saying the teenager's sudden movement impeded traffic safety and caused an accident that led to her right foot being broken. Therefore the police went on, she must share responsibility for her injuries. She is presently at Foshan No.1 People's Hospital waiting for a toe to be amputated because of a severe infection.
The little girl had fractures in her left foot and is being treated in the intensive care unit in a hospital in the provincial capital Guangzhou after two of her toes had to be amputated. To add insult to injury, the police said the little girl also has to share responsibility for her injuries due to her violation of the traffic rules.
Police also said a minivan driver who parked illegally was also cited for hindering the truck driver's view of the girls. He too is partial responsibility in the crash.
So there it is - be a good samaritan and try to save a life and you wind up in trouble. The only thing not mentioned here which I assume will probably happen sooner or later is the truck driver who hit the girls will come after them to pay for the repairs to his truck.
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