I have been very lazy about blogging over the last month or so primarily because I was back in Toronto but today's news in China confimred once again for me "Toto, I don't think we are in Kansas"

People living near The Old Lady Restaurant called police after witnessing the bloody scene by the restaurant's door. Shanghai Daily reporters who visited the restaurant found three donkeys tied up outside the restaurant waiting their fate.
The restaurant makes no excuses. In fact they have banners advertising "We are serving donkey meat now" and are flying other banners promoting donkey meat as healthy, especially in soups. The saying goes "In Heaven there is Dragon meat, In earth there is donkey meat.
The trouble started at 10 AM when students at a primary school across the street heard donkey screams and saw the animals throats being slit with blood covering the street - this is the middle of urban cosmopolitain Shanghai. The restaurant continued to kill and butcher the animals in the street until the police came to stop them.
The restaurant has agreed to stop killing the donkeys in the street and will find suitable places out of site of people who might be offended.
So there you have it - a country that is fast becoming or already is the second most powerful country in the world and they are butchering donkeys in the street to serve in a restaurant - makes you wonder doesn't it??