Seems the Chengdu police won't stop deflating tires
Officers at a police station in Chengdu, Sichuan province, have been deflating the tires of more than 100 motor vehicles every night lately to combat rampant car theft.
The practice has led to occasional objections from local residents and disputes between car owners and officers. Even so, Zhang Xiaochuan, chief officer at the Jitou police station in Wuhou district, said police will not abandon it because they have no better solution.
What's more important than the occasional annoyances, he said, is the fact that the campaign has proved effective in thwarting car thieves, who used to steal dozens of automobiles a year in the township.
To prevent car theft, especially of cars parked in unattended areas, the police station employed eight police officers and about 80 resident patrol members. That staff worked every day to deflate tires from midnight to 6 am.
Two officers then have the task of inflating the tires free of charge, starting at 7:30 am every day.
A notice was left on each car, telling the owner how to get in touch with the two officers and request that the tires be re-inflated. Sound like a good idea to me - might want to start it on some residential streets in Forest Hill to see how it goes over.